My Iraqi Saga

On Oct 1st, 2005 I got a letter in the mail. After 3 1/2 years out of the Army National Guard they called me back up. I had to report Oct. 30th. This is my journal from the day I reported. Hope you like it. If anyone would like to send me mail my address is: SPC Sanning, Stacy M.*next line*MNF-I STRATEFF(Press Desk)*next line*APO-AE 09316


Gone, all gone!!

Well I guess I had a good run. I made the most of it. I really appreciated every aspect of it. And now it's going away. That's right, they're taking my cell phone. Oh, the humanity!!! Actually it's really not that bad. It will suck to not have a phone but I'm lucky I got one for the last 7 months, not everyone gets that luxury. And it is only right that a Colonel should get a phone over a Specialist. That's the reason I was given, that we have a couple new high ranking officers and somehow not enough phones. Seems a bit crazy to me but if that's jreally the case then it's all good. Oh well, I guess that's all I have for now, I just wanted to make sure everyone knows not to call my cell phone number anymore. If you want my work number to call (which is totally ok) then shoot me an email. I miss you all a ton, every day I think about how close the end is. Only 16 weeks to go...4 months, that's nothing! That's just enough time to get in shape the rest of the way and come home feeling like a rock star.


Me and Dubya are old pals now

Yeah, not really...but I did get to see him when he came to visit! It was pretty cool, in my office we guessed he was in town a lot sooner than the media did so we were watching all the newscasters standing outside Camp David and thought it was too funny! Then we heard for sure he'd dropped in for a surprise visit and found out he'd actually have a little time to talk to us. It was a neat experience. Sorry this is so short, I gotta head out to the gym. I'll try to write more tomorrow.


The wicked witch is dead...

WOW! It has been a crazy couple of days!! In case you haven’t heard yet…Zarqawi is dead!! And we’ve been running on all cylinders the last couple of days at the Press Desk. Good stuff. It feels good to be here for this, I’m sure this is how people felt the day they caught Saddam. Anyway, I don’t really have much to say but that cause I’ve got to get back to work-the phones are still ringing off the hook.

Only 18 weeks to go-I cannot wait!!


Let's talk about the weather

Most of you know that I lived in Yuma, Arizona for all four years of high school. Yuma gets extremely hot in the summer, between 110-130 degrees. We actually DID cook an egg on a black car on summer. I thought hat after surviving that I would be totally prepared for the summer heat in Baghdad. I was wrong! It just started getting hot here a couple weeks ago and already I thank God every time I step outside because I know I’ll be back in air conditioning in a minute. It’s like walking into the hot air stream of a really good blow dryer on full blast. You know how it feels when you realize you’re standing too close to a bonfire because your skin feels like its actually cooking? That’s how it is here because even the wind is hot. And I know the heat will only get worse! Plus, there have been quite a few “scorpion sightings” lately and it’s definitely keeping me on my toes! My buddy Calvert was sitting on his steps smoking last night and saw one scuttling out from under his trailer about three feet away! Usually I wear flip flops when I walk around after dark but not anymore, that’s for sure. I’ll have to start wearing my boots and carrying a flashlight with me at night. And I need something to squash scorpions, in case they get too close.

Whoa! We just checked the weather in Baghdad-the highest average high temp is in July and it’s only 110 degrees!! I know it’s been hotter than that the last two weeks…hmm…I wonder what it is in Yuma.

Anyway, other than the heat and stupid scorpions life is great. I really enjoy my new job at the Press Desk, I work out 3-5 times a week (thanks to Zep pushing me to go, if it weren’t for him I’d probably be 15 lbs heavier, honest), I’ll have my last bill (my car) paid off by the time I get home, I’m applying to colleges, and I’ve only got 4 ½ months to go! I can get through 4½ months o problem! That’s nothing, right? Just enough time to get in great shape, save a little money, and get accepted to college. Life is good. By the way, since I’m in a new office I have a new address-if I give it out will someone write me?

SPC Stacy Sanning
MNF-I Strategic Effects (Press Desk) (you can write Strat Eff for short)
APO AE 09316

Other than that, I miss you all a bunch! I’ll see you at the end of summer! We’re looking at around the middle of October to leave here-yay!!