My Iraqi Saga

On Oct 1st, 2005 I got a letter in the mail. After 3 1/2 years out of the Army National Guard they called me back up. I had to report Oct. 30th. This is my journal from the day I reported. Hope you like it. If anyone would like to send me mail my address is: SPC Sanning, Stacy M.*next line*MNF-I STRATEFF(Press Desk)*next line*APO-AE 09316


Good times

Wow, it's been a great couple of weeks. I love my new job, I feel really good about it. Working at the Press Desk is actually a good thing for me because I've worked so hard at not taking in any news the last few years that this is a good change...I have to deal with it on a daily basis and I think it's definitely helping me more aware. On top of that my main job is setting up radio interviews with officers here and I really like that as well. I’m embarrassed to say this, but I am just now starting to see what I’m a part of here at the US Embassy in Baghdad. I work in the Communications division and it seems like our job is to sell Iraq’s new government to the world. If the world doesn’t see and hear about the improvements being done here then Iraq doesn’t have a chance. If the American public doesn’t see the good that’s being and how far the Iraqi’s have come then their support will wane even more and, again, Iraq won’t be given a fair chance. And if we can’t get correct and true information to the Iraqi public then they’ll start to believe that they don’t even have a chance. It’s all about spreading information. This country is a little crazy; almost everyone has cell phones and satellite TV but so much of the information that gets passed around is misinformation. It passes from mouth to mouth and grows. And they’re normal people just like Americans in that bad news is more interesting to share than good news. The horror stories spread so much faster than the good stories and it kills me because where I sit I can see that so much of it is untrue. So we work extra hard to ensure that everyone knows all the good stuff that’s happening here and I think it’s really cool to be involved in it.

I want to take a quick sec to thank my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mike in Missouri and my Aunt Denise, Uncle Greg, and the kids in Pennsylvania for the packages they sent. You all are the best and you have no idea how awesome it is to get a package in the mail that isn’t from! I really do appreciate all of you, for the phone calls, mail, and prayers. I feel so lucky to have such a great family when so many people over here don’t. I love you all.

So you guys wanna hear something weird? I went to Salsa Night the other night and it was just so crazy. We have this great area with a couple of sweet pools, a pool table, some foosball tables, and a wide open area perfect for dancing. I’ve been here about 6 months and this is the first time I’ve been to Salsa night. It was really strange to see so many people dressed in civilian clothes dancing with people in military uniforms, a DJ table where people have to yell to have a conversation, and all around people are just chilling and talking. I had to really concentrate and remind myself we ARE still in Baghdad. It was so unnerving I couldn’t bring myself to dance really, I was just people watching. I might go again, I dunno. The place had a good vibe to it and it was a really nice change of scenery but it was a little too much for me, you know? It felt like I was at any club anywhere else…not Baghdad. You would think that would be a good think but it didn’t seem quite real. Maybe the next time I go it’ll feel more normal, I don’t know. Oh well, guess we’ll see, huh? I’m outta here, got to o to work. I miss you all a ton. Hugs and kisses all around! p.s. I finally went swimming in the palace pool the other day and it was GREAT!! It felt so nice! Ok, now I'm really done.


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