My Iraqi Saga

On Oct 1st, 2005 I got a letter in the mail. After 3 1/2 years out of the Army National Guard they called me back up. I had to report Oct. 30th. This is my journal from the day I reported. Hope you like it. If anyone would like to send me mail my address is: SPC Sanning, Stacy M.*next line*MNF-I STRATEFF(Press Desk)*next line*APO-AE 09316


Alright, be proud of me…I ran 2 miles this morning. It was the first time I’ve done that in like 4 years. I did not like it and I never want to do it again. I think I have to every Friday with my section though. It hurt, it sucked, and I got sweaty (gross) but on the plus side…I should be in great shape by the time I get home! I was so pitiful this morning; I tried to get out of it hardcore! We were all supposed to meet at the gym at 9am so I called the boss and pleaded my case.
“You know, it’s been raining for like 5 hours and its crazy muddy everywhere!”
“Well, I know we’ll be inside the gym but the walk over is gonna be wretched, we should just postpone till tomorrow or something!”
“Well, it IS still raining pretty hard, who wants to walk in that?”
“Alrighty, I guess I’ll see you at the gym in a few.”

See, I just didn’t stick to my guns well enough! If I would have held out I could have stayed in bed! Oh, in case anyone reading this doesn’t know, I hate running…with a passion! I put more effort into trying not to go than I probably do in the exercise itself! I’m really not that big into exercise at all but I’m getting used to using the elliptical machine for 30 mins a day and doing some other stuff to try to stay in shape and tone. Running though? That’s another story. Running is all that is evil. Oh well…I guess I’ll get used to it eventually, right? And I have been doing a pretty good job working out almost every day. Thanks to the help of all of my workout buddies who make me go, if it weren’t for them I sooo would not make myself. I figure I used up all my drive and strong will to quit smoking last year…I didn’t leave any reserves. Which makes me really grateful for my workout partners, as much as I don’t like them for making me go, I love them for making me go.

So, I guess that’s all I’ve got for now, just had to rant for a minute about how evil running is. Talk to you all later!


At 7:46 AM, Blogger None said...

I've been really bad about not running the last few months. I did really well the first three months, but I gave up.

Try the cross ramps behind the eliptical machines. They're really good, too.

At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Running is bad for you. It causes you to build muscle!

At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nah it's good for you. keep it up. before you know it you'll be runnin the boston marathon talkin about the days when you used to think runnin was bad for you.

At 10:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha U wuss! you should ask em if you can wear your rollerblades. Well, enjoy your sweat.

lots o luv


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